Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Last Day at Folkungaskolan

As a teaching student. I have had to endure many bittersweet “last days” over the past four years. But none quite as bitter or as sweet as my last day at Folkungaskolan.

It happened to fall on a very eventful day for the students because Martin Widmark (renowned Swedish author) and Louise Hoffsten (famous Swedish musician) were visiting the fourth grade classes to talk about the book they co-authored: Dar Orgiernas Dansar.
When the guests arrived they brought with them a TV crew. We were told that we were going to be on Channel 1 news! We crammed both grade 4 classes into one room with 4 teachers, our two guests, and a five person TV crew. The authors spoke to our class for 2 hours, which was very difficult for me because it was entirely in Swedish.

Very few Swedish authors have English translations made for their books. This is a tragedy because the illustations in Swedish children’s books are the most imaginative and breath taking I have ever seen. This particular book also comes with a CD of music composed specifically for this story by Louise Hoffsten. I was so moved by the illustrations and music that between teaching and soaking up the Swedish culture, I have spent past few weeks translating the entire book into English so I could understand the story.

At one point a couple of students had the opportunity to play music for the guests. This young man wrote a song called "Hejdå" (goodbye) and dedicated it to me in honor of my last day.
After the presentation I told Louise Hoffsten how her music had inspired me to translate the book. She was so moved that she invited me and the students to eat lunch with her. After lunch it was time for my last class with the 5A. I talked to the class about how much I was going to miss them and how special this has been. Then I gave each of them the American flag I'd brought for them as a parting gift. They were so excited! I told them what all the stars and stripes meant. Then they presented me with my gift. A beautiful handmade Swedish flag! 
They made it themselves during their textile classes. Everyone signed the flag and they even made a little elephant with grey fabric and googly eyes and glued him on there. I love it so much! What a wonderful memento of my time with them. 5A came in and presented their flag. They made a smaller flag on a pole. So I have one for my house and one for my classroom!
Before I knew it it was time for me to run back to Karin's classroom to say goodbye to the fourth graders. After I gave 4B their flags, Karin said they had prepared something for me. She opened the door that connects the two fourth grade classrooms and had me stand in the door way. Then 5B joined 4B’s class and 5A joined 4A’s class and they all sang a farewell song to me in Swedish. Some of the students even played their instruments for the song! That’s when the tears came. I gave a short speech about how much this experience has changed my life and how I will never forget them for helping me to become the teacher I’ve always wanted to be. Then 4A presented me with German chocolates and 4B said they had one more surprise for me. They gave me a copy of Dar Orgiernas Dansar signed by Louise Hoffsten and Martin Widmark! Now I can add my translations and share the book with all the students who pass through my classroom!
Before I left I made sure each class got their picture taken with Peanut (I think they will miss him most of all).
When the students were dismissed they all lined up to give me a hug goodbye. Several of them formed a circle so they could get back in line and keep getting hugs. I will miss them so much! I’m so sad to have to leave, but I know I will be back! I will never forget the 110 students that changed my life forever!

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