Sunday, April 15, 2012

2 + 2 = 5

This is Folkungaskolan. Starting tomorrow, I will be doing my teaching practice in Karin Uhrberg's grade 4 classroom and Björn Lorenzoni's grade 5 classroom. In the Swedish education system, students apply for a profile and are placed in schools according to their profile. A profile is an area of study that your learning will be centered around. For my students, the profile is Music and Visual Art. These students have additional singing and art classes and their teachers integrate music and art throughout the curriculum. I guess Howard Garner would say I have quite a few musical/rhythmic and visual/spatial learners on my hands! I can't wait to begin planning my lessons. What a fun and creative challenge this will be!
The school's motto is "2 + 2 = 5" this was originally graffiti scribbled onto the entrance of the old building. It has been adopted as the schools motto and legacy, and a replica of the original graffitti now permanently resides above the main entrance, welcoming all students who enter. The meaning behind this motto is "Många är starkare" which translates to "Many are stronger." It basically means the same as a common saying in America "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." I believe Aristotle was the first to coin that one. Sounds to me like this school is all about Synergizing! I love it!

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